
We can ship to virtually any address in the world. Note that there are restrictions on some products, and some products cannot be shipped to international destinations.

Each and Every order is printed, packed and shipped by our small staff. 

When you place an order you will recieve a notification of the order via Email and also recieve a Email notification when it ships.  This notification will usually include a tracking number for your order.

Most of our products will ship within a few days some may take up to a week depending on how busy we are and the time of year!  We take pride in each Product we ship so we do not rush anything if it will cause a less than excellent product for you.

We generally ship via USPS Priority with Delivery Confirmation. 



We Generally do not except returns on used calls, however if you have a item you have recently recieved and for any reason are unhappy with it please contact us directly and we will work out a Refund or possible trade it out for another call that may fit you better.